Webinar Series – Emerging Researchers and Practitioners in Human Factors in Healthcare
Call for Early Career Researcher/Practitioner Presentations
The IEA Healthcare Ergonomics Technical Committee is organising a series of webinars for Early Career Researchers and Practitioners (ECR/Ps) in Human Factors in Healthcare. The goal of this webinar series is to showcase excellent projects in Human Factors in Healthcare done by ECR/Ps across the IEA network. We define ECR/Ps as PhD students and those who are within 0 to 5 years post-PhD (including career interruptions) or practitioners who have been working in Human Factors in healthcare for less than 5 years.
If you are an ECR/P, we invite you to submit your work in the form of a short abstract for consideration.
ECR/P authors of selected abstracts will be invited to present their research, for 20 minutes, in a webinar to a global audience. The best presenter of the 2023 webinar series will win the inaugural Richard Cook prize. Presentations will be judged on quality, significance of research, relevance to human factors in healthcare and engagement.
Abstract: 250 words including an introduction, method, results and conclusion sections.
Submission Portal: Please submit your abstract by clicking here: https://forms.gle/KFxZS4xqGGPc9U12A
Submission Deadline: 15th June 2023 12:00 UTC.
You will be notified of the outcome by 14th July 2023, at which point the dates of the webinars will be confirmed.